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Fig. 3. | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 3.

From: Identification of two novel elements involved in human MUC1 gene expression in vivo

Fig. 3.

Detection of the −750 and −250 DHS in chromatin from cell lines. Southern blot of DNase I digested chromatin from (A) HPAF, (B) MCF7, (C) lymphoblastoid (37566), (D) AA/C1, (E) AA/C1/SB10C cleaved with BamH I and hybridised with 5′ MUC1 probe. Lanes 1 (0°C) and 2 (37°C) show DNA prepared from nuclei which had not been treated with DNase I. Lanes 3–6 (Lanes 3–5 in A) show DNA prepared from nuclei treated with increasing amounts of DNase I; (lane 3, 20 units; Lane 4, 40 units; Lane 5, 80 units, Lane 6, 160 units DNase I). Lanes marked B/S and B/Bs denote double digests of the samples in lane 1 of each panel to map the DHS. B = BamH I, Bs = BsrG I, S = Sac I. DHS are seen at 6.5 kb in all panels and in A, B and D also at 6 kb.

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