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Table 1 Effect of a high salt diet (HSD) on in vivo cardiac function in Dahl salt-sensitive rats

From: Uncoupling of glycolysis from glucose oxidation accompanies the development of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction



3 weeks

6 weeks

9 weeks

EF (%)

83.79 ±1.44

82.21 ±2.50

84.91 ±1.14

76.21 ±2.19T

FS (%)

54.60 ±1.69

53.12 ±2.57

54.45 ±2.39

47.64 ±2.34

LV Mass Corrected

962.88 ±43.45

1045.85 ±36.11

1167.85 ±38.96*

1328.94 ±52.37*#

IVSd (mm)

1.97 ±0.05

2.23 ±0.06*

2.40 ±0.07*

2.50 ±0.07*#

LVIDd (mm)

7.91 ±0.12

7.32 ±0.14*

7.45 ±0.09

7.52 ±0.20

LVPWd (mm)

1.98 ±0.03

2.23 ±0.06

2.49 ±0.10*

2.50 ±0.08*

IVSs (mm)

3.40 ±0.05

3.67 ±0.10

3.68 ±0.09

3.68 ±0.15

LVIDs (mm)

3.87 ±0.18

3.46 ±0.23

3.40 ±0.09

4.25 ±0.08

LVPWs (mm)

3.45 ±0.12

3.68 ±0.11

3.77 ±0.08

3.65 ±0.13

LV Vol;d

335.75 ±10.95

283.11 ±12.35*

294.62 ±7.78

301.74 ±17.16

LV Vol;s

51.99 ±6.28

45.76 ±6.96

47.51 ±3.37

81.30 ±3.62*#T


19.04 ±2.18

20.49 ±1.95

18.82 ±1.22

18.29 ±1.51


1.60 ±0.11

1.64 ±0.07

1.33 ±0.15

1.40 ±0.20


0.98 ±0.04

0.85 ±0.03

0.81 ±0.02*

0.76 ±0.07*

Tei Index

0.65 ±0.03

0.72 ±0.04

0.78 ±0.05

0.76 ±0.05


54.23 ±6.85

54.68 ±4.61

46.79 ±2.14

38.26 ±3.49

IVRT (ms)

24.32 ±0.60

22.68 ±0.68

27.97 ±1.76

28.13 ±1.63

IVCT (ms)

15.69 ±0.90

16.88 ±1.29

15.81 ±1.48

17.47 ±1.43

HR (bpm)

365.25 ±6.61

375.88 ±7.71

367.63 ±10.98

349.75 ±16.68

L Kidney/TL (g/cm)

0.31 ±0.01

0.34 ±0.01

0.34 ±0.01

0.38 ±0.03*

  1. In vivo cardiac function was measured via echocardiography in Dahl salt-sensitive rats fed a low salt diet, 0.3% NaCl (Control), or a high salt diet, 8% NaCl, for 3, 6, or 9 weeks. n = 5–8 * p < 0.05 compared to Control. * p < 0.05 compared to Control. # p < 0.05 compared to 3 weeks. T p < 0.05 compared to 6 weeks. n = 6–9 Values shown as mean ±SEM % Ejection fraction (%EF); % Fractional shortening (%FS); left ventricle (LV); Interventricular septum end diastole (IVSd); LV internal diameter end diastole (LVIDd); LV posterior wall thickness end diastole (LVPWd); Interventricular septum end systole (IVSs); LV internal diameter end systole (LVIDs); LV posterior wall thickness end systole (LVPWs); LV volume end diastole (LV Vol;d); LV volume end systole (LV Vol;s); Isovolumetic relaxation time (IVRT); Isovolumetic contraction time (IVCT); Tibia length (TL); Heart rate (HR)