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Fig. 5 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Variant in NHLRC2 leads to increased hnRNP C2 in developing neurons and the hippocampus of a mouse model of FINCA disease

Fig. 5

qPCR and immunoblotting showed changes in the hnRNPC C2 level in NPCs and hippocampus of Nhlrc2FINCA/− mouse. a qPCR results of the three protein transcripts; Ftl1, Anxa6, and Hnrnpc, showed significantly changed RNA levels in Nhlrc2FINCA/− (square) compared to Nhlrc2+/+ (round) NPCs, 80% (p = 0.035), 75%, (p = 0.023), and 70% (p = 0.012) respectively (Student’s t-test). Expression was normalized against one wild-type sample. Individual data points, group mean, and SEM are shown. b SDS-PAGE immunoblot and measured protein levels of three Nhlrc2 −/− and Nhlrc2FINCA/− NPC lysates revealed increased hnRNP C2 (165% p = 0.045). c SDS-PAGE immunoblot and measured protein levels from 13-week-old female Nhlrc2FINCA/− and wild-type hippocampal tissue lysates showed increased hnRNP C2 (820%, p = 0.046). hnRNP C2-specific antibody was used and the expected size of hnRNP C2 is 34.4 kDa. d SDS-PAGE immunoblot and measured protein levels from 5-week-old male Nhlrc2FINCA/− and wild-type hippocampal tissue lysates for myelin basic protein (MBP) and myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG). MAG was significantly decreased in Nhlrc2FINCA/− (69%, p = 0,027). Protein amounts are relative to one of the wild-type samples and GAPDH was used for normalization. Individual data points, group mean, and SEM are shown. Statistical analysis was done using Student's t-test *p < 0.05

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