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Fig. 6 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Famotidine activates the vagus nerve inflammatory reflex to attenuate cytokine storm

Fig. 6

Suppressive effects of famotidine on LPS-induced TNF and IL-6 release were greatly attenuated and mortality increased in α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mice. AD Male C57BL/6 or α7nAChR knockout mice (α7KO; 8–12 weeks of age) received famotidine or PBS (0.4 mg/kg, in 5 µl volume) administered ICV at 30 min prior to LPS injection (IP, 7 mg/kg). Mice were euthanized 2.5 h post-LPS injection, serum and spleen TNF (B, C) and IL-6 (D, E) were measured. N = 7 for wild type and 6 for α7nAChR KO controls, 9–11 per group for others. E Male α7nAChR knockout mice, 8–12 weeks old, were injected with LPS (6 mg/kg, IP). Famotidine (FM) or PBS (4 mg/kg, in 100 µl volume) were injected intraperitoneally twice a day for 3 days, survival was monitored for 2 weeks. N = 17 for PBS control and 18 for FM mice per group

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