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Figure 5 | Molecular Medicine

Figure 5

From: Integration of HIV-1 DNA Is Regulated by Interplay between Viral Rev and Cellular LEDGF/p75 Proteins

Figure 5

Summary of the results obtained on the Rev-LEDGF/p75 interaction and a proposed integration model. (A) A scheme illustrating the interacting sequences of IN (red), Rev (green) and LEDGF/p75 (blue), as was revealed mainly by the ELISA-based assay system, which mediate the binding between these proteins. (B) A table summarizing the abilities of the various IN-, Rev- and LEDGF/p75-derived peptides to specifically disrupt IN-LEDGF/p75, Rev-IN and Rev-LEDGF/p75 interactions. (C) A proposed model of the HIV-1 integration mechanism. IN (red), LEDGF/p75 (blue), Rev (green), viral DNA (purple) and host cell DNA (light blue). Following virus infection, LEDGF/p75 interacts with an IN (dimer)-DNA (I) complex resulting in the formation of a IN-LEDGF/p75 (tetramer)-DNA complex in the viral PIC (II) (47). Despite the presence of numerous IN-LEDGF/p75 (tetramer)-DNA complexes, only 1 to 2 copies of the viral DNA are integrated into the host chromosomal DNA (III). Most of the IN-LEDGF/p75 complexes are dissociated by increasing amounts of transcribed Rev, resulting in the formation of inhibitory Rev-IN-DNA complex (IV) and a Rev-LEDGF/p75 complex (V).

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