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Table 2 Human conditions associated with mononuclear phagocyte NOS2 expression a

From: Nitric Oxide Production and Nitric Oxide Synthase Type 2 Expression by Human Mononuclear Phagocytes: A Review






Liver disease


Alcoholic hepatitis

Hunt and Goldin, 1992 (32)


Nitrite production in vitro

None by those from normal individuals; no treatment

Alcoholic cirrhosis

Criado-Jimenez et al., 1995 (106)



Blocked by L-Arg analogue

Alcoholic cirrhosis with ascites

Laffi et al., 1995 (107)


L-Arg to L-Cit, inhibition of platelet aggregation

Inhibited by L-Arg analogues


Masini et al., 1995(108)


L-Arg to L-Cit, inhibition of platelet aggregation

Higher in Mo from patients with cirrhosis; inhibited by NMMA

Hepatitis C patients

Sharara et al., 1997 (76)


Nitrite, nitrate, immunoblot, L-Arg to L-Cit, RT-PCR

Induction of NOS2 activity and Ag content by in vivo treatment of hepatitis C patients; correlation of anti-viral activity of IFN-α with degree of NOS2 induction

Chronic viral hepatitis

Majano et al., 1998 (109)


Immunohistology, in situ hybridization

In chronic active hepatitis B or C patients, NOS2 protein and mRNA noted in hepatocytes, with only mRNA noted in MNC in hepatitis

Lung disease


Lung inflammation

Kobzik et al., 1993 (111)

Alv Mac

NOS2 immunohistology


Acute lung injury (ARDS)

Haddad et al., 1994 (113)

Alv Mac

Nitrotyrosine immunohistology

Presumed NO formation leading to nitrotyrosine

Lung inflammation (bronchiectasis and bronchopneumonia)

Tracey et al., 1994 (112)

Alv Mac

NOS2 immunohistology

No staining in cells from normal lung

Acute lung injury (ARDS, sepsis, pneumonia)

Kooy et al., 1995 (114)

Alv Mac

Nitrotyrosine immunohistology

Presumed NO formation leading to nitrotyrosine

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Kumar et al., 1995(117)



Higher in cells from patients tuberculosis pretreatment; enhanced in vitro by LPS, PPD, PMA, latex spheres

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Nicholson et al., 1996 (118)

Alv Mac

Immunohistology, immunoblot, RT-PCR

Increased NOS2 in cells from patients with tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Tunctan et al., 1998 (119)


Nitrite; smooth muscle relaxation

Increased nitrite production by LPS-treated cells from normal subjects but not those from tuberculosis patients; supernatant media from LPS-treated cells of tuberculosis patients had increased smooth muscle relaxing activity

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Wang et al., 1998 (120)

Alv Mac

Flow cytometry, immunohistology, nitrite

Higher NOS2 expression and nitrite production by cells from tuberculosis patients; nitrite production correlated significantly with exhaled NO concentration

Obliterative bronchiolitis in lung transplant patients

McDermott et al., 1997 (115)

Alv Mac

Immunohistology for NOS2 and nitrotyrosine

Co-localization of NOS2 and peroxynitrite with Mac

Pulmonary fibrosis

Nozaki et al., 1997 (116)

Alv Mac

Immunocytology and immunoblot for NOS2 and nitrotyrosine, RT-PCR

Produced by alv Mac from patients with pulmonary fibrosis after in vitro challenge with BCG; NMMA inhibited Mac-mediated BCG killing

Cardiovascular disease



Beckman et al., 1994 (121)

Vessel Mac

Nitrotyrosine immunohistology

Presumed NO formation leading to nitrotyrosine

Myocardial infarct

Wildhirt et al., 1995 (126)

Myocardial Mac


NOS2 in infarcted myocardium co-localized with Mac


Buttery et al., 1996 (122)

Atherosclerotic plaque Mac

Immunohistology, immunoblot, in situ hybridization, nitrotyrosine

Nitrotyrosine associated with macrophages

Giant cell arteritis

Weyand et al., 1996 (127)

Arterial Mac


NOS2 in intimai Mac in giant cell arteritis

Accelerated arteriosclerosis in transplanted hearts

Lafond-Walker et al., 1997 (125)

Coronary artery Mac

Immunohistology, in situ hybridization

NOS2 associated with Mac


Wilcox et al., 1997 (123)

Vessel Mac

In situ hybridization, immunohistology

No NOS2 in normal vessels; in atherosclerotic vessels, Mac expressed NOS2 and NOS1


Luoma et al., 1998 (124)

Arterial Mac


NOS2 and nitrotyrosine associated with Mac

Allergic disease


Hay fever, asthma

Mautino et al., 1994 (79)



IL-4 treatment



RA and inflammatory osteoarthritis

Sakurai et al, 1995 (128)

Synovial Mac

Nitrite, immunohistology, immunoblot, RT-PCR

Inhibited by L-Arg analogue

RA and osteoarthritis

Mclnnes et al., 1996 (129)

Synovial Mac

Nitrite, RT-PCR, immunohistology

NOS2 in synovial Mac and synovial fibroblasts


St. Clair et al., 1996 (67)


Nitrite, nitrate, immunoblot, L-Arg to L-Cit

Increased L-Arg to L-Cit activity and NOS2 Ag in freshly isolated cells from patients with RA; increased responsiveness of MNC of RA patients to IFN-γ in vitro; inhibited by NMMA


Grabowski et al., 1997 (130)

Synovial Mac


NOS2 associated chiefly with CD68+ Mac by immunohistology; more NOS2 in RA vs. osteoarthritis; no NOS2 noted in tissues from normal subjects (hip fractures)


Perkins et al., 1998 (131)


Immunoblot, RT-PCR, L-Arg to L-Cit

Increased L-Arg to L-Cit activity, NOS2 Ag, NOS2 mRNA in MNC from patients with RA; anti-TNF antibody treatment in vivo reduced the increased NOS activity and NOS2 Ag expression

Inflammatory response to foreign body (joint prostheses)

Moilanen et aL, 1997 (132)

Foreign body Mac

Immunohistology, RT-PCR

NOS2 associated with Mac

Loosened bone prosethesis

Watkins et al., 1997 (133)

Mac around loosened bone hip prostheses

In situ hybridization, immunohistology

No NOS2 in synovial cells



Breast cancer

Thomsen et al., 1994 (136)

Breast cancer Mac

Anti-NOS2 Ab immunocytology, nitrite and nitrate, L-Arg to L-Cit

NOS2 associated with CD68 + Mac by immunohistol

Various metastatic cancers to pleural or peritoneal spaces

Wang et al., 1996 (68)

Pleural or peritoneal Mac


More NO production by Mac from patients with cancer

Colon cancer

Ambs et aL, 1998 (135)

Colon cancer MNC

L-Arg to L-Cit, immunohistology for NOS2 and nitrotyrosine, immunoblot, RT-PCR

NOS2 in tumors (more in adenomas than in carcinomas), but low in normal tissue; present in MNC, tumor cells, and endothelial cells; nitrotyrosine in MNC

Parasitic disease


African children: normal and malarious

Anstey et al., 1996 (138)



MNC NOS2 expression in normal Tanzanian children; increased NOS2 in asymptomatic and mild malaria; markedly decreased NOS2 in cerebral malaria

Renal disease


IgA nephropathy & proliferative glomerulonephritis

Kashem et al., 1996 (66)

Kidney Mac, Mo

Immunohistology, RT-PCR

NOS2 associated with Mac

IgA nephropathy, lupus nephritis, membranous nephropathy, and minimal change neprhotic syncrome

Furusu et al., 1998 (139)

Kidney Mac

Immunohistology, in situ hybridization

NOS2 primarily in mesangial cells and glomerular epithelial cells; inverse levels of expression of NOS3 and NOS2 in the kidneys with NOS2 correlating with degree of glomerular injury

Bowel disease


Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis

Singer et al., 1996 (140)

Bowel Mac

Immunohistology, RT-PCR

Found associated with Mac only at sites of inflammation

Ulcerative colitis

Ikeda et al., 1997 (141)

Bowel Mac


Increased NOS2 in areas of inflammation

Celiac disease

ter Steege et al., 1997 (143)

Bowel Mac


Increased NOS2 and nitrotyrosine in Mac in disease sites

Multiple sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis

Bo et al., 1994 (144)

Brain Mac


NOS2 NADPH diaphorase activity detectable in brains of MS patients

Multiple sclerosis

Bagasra et al., 1995 (145)

Brain Mac

Immunohistology, RT-in situ-PCR

NOS2 mRNA and nitrotyrosine in Mac of patients with multiple sclerosis and absent in “control” brains

Multiple sclerosis

De Groot et al., 1997 (146)

Brain Mac

Immunohistology; nitrite

In brains of patients with multiple sclerosis, Mac positive for both NOS2 and “cNOS;” isolated Mac produced NO

Multiple sclerosis

Hooper et al, 1997 (147)

Brain Mac

Immunohistology, RT-in situ-PCR

NOS2 in brain Mac from multiple sclerosis patients




Myatt et al., 1997 (148)

Placental Mac (Hofbauer cells)

Immunohistology, RT-PCR

NOS2 associated with Mac


Eis et al., 1997 (150)

Fetal membrane Mac


NOS2 associated with membrane Mac; greater NOS2 expression in preterm labor vs. term labor


Zarlingo et al., 1997 (149)

Placental Mac

Immunohistology, immunoblot


Miscellaneous conditions



Kim et al., 1995 (153)


Nitrite, nitrate

Higher NO production in PBMC from trauma patients; some reduction of NO production by IL-13

Grave’s disease (thyrotoxicosis)

Lopez-Moratalla et al., 1996 (152)



NOS2 in freshly isolated Mo from Grave’s; increased activity induced by in vitro treatment with peptides from thyroid autoantigens

Sickle cell disease

Dias-Da-Motta et al., 1996 (154)


Inhibition of platelet aggregation

Inhibited by L-Arg analogue-production noted only in presence of SOD; more activity in cells from patients with sickle cell disease

  1. a For abbreviations, see Table 1.