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Fig. 3 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Oxidized LDL promotes EMS-induced angiogenesis by increasing VEGF-A expression and secretion by endometrial cells

Fig. 3

OxLDL promoted the growth of ectopic endometrium in EMS animal models. A Three steps for establishment of the EMS animal model. B The ectopic endometrium in each group of EMS animal models. The scale bar represents 5 mm. (C, D) MVD in the ectopic endometrium from the two groups of animal models. The microvasculature was stained for CD34 by immunohistochemistry, while all the tissues were also stained by H&E and iron. The MVD was represented by the number of tubes in each field, and the numbers were counted with ImageJ software. The histogram represents the MVD in each group. The number in each group was 5

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