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Fig. 3 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Gene expression variability in long-term survivors of childhood cancer and cancer-free controls in response to ionizing irradiation

Fig. 3

Summary of the top 5 Gene Ontology terms regarding the adjusted p-value: stratified by group-wise overlap (Top 5 in A) all groups, B overlap of two donor groups, and C unique in one group), per radiation dose for genes classified as hypo-variable. Inside the tiles, each respective adjusted -log10 (p-value) is provided. Since a p-value was computed per group for A and B, the top 5 GO terms e.g., found only in N0 and N1, but not in N2 + post-HDIR might differ. In this case, the top 5 for N0 and N1 are shown each, resulting in more than 5 terms. N0 = fibroblasts of cancer-free controls, N1 = fibroblasts of long-term survivors of childhood cancer without a second primary neoplasm, N2 +  = fibroblasts of long-term survivors of childhood cancer with at least one second primary neoplasm

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