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Fig. 3 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Mesenchymal stem cells reversibly de-differentiate myofibroblasts to fibroblast-like cells by inhibiting the TGF-β-SMAD2/3 pathway

Fig. 3

In vitro administration of TGF-β1 induced invasive IPF-FB signatures in normal lung FB samples. A Schematic representation of in vitro TGF-β1 induction and subsequent uMSC co-culture models. Normal lung FB was treated with ether 10 ng/mL of TGF-β1 or DMSO before being subjected to subsequent RNA-seq and in vitro assays. B Volcano plot displaying identified DEGs in MFB compared with untreated FB by log2 foldchange (x-axis) and adjust P-value (y-axis). C Volcano plot displaying identified DEGs in invasive IPF-FB (n = 9) compared with non-invasive IPF-FB (n = 9, GSE118933) by log2 foldchange (x axis) and adjust P value (y axis). D Venn diagrams depicting the number of DEGs specifically or mutually regulated in invasive IPF-FB and MFB samples. E Enriched gene ontology analysis (EGO) concerning biological process (BP), molecular function (MF), and cellular component (CC) of DEGs identified in MFB (MFB vs. FB). F Circos plot displaying the most significantly enriched EGO terms and related DEGs participating in each process. Symbols of DEGs are displayed on the left side of the graph with their fold change value mapped by color (red represents up-regulation and blue represents down-regulation). G RNA-seq expression normalized value (FPKM) for transcripts encode for genes related to TGF-β signaling, muscle/fibrin development in FB, iMFB, and co-cultured MFB

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