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Fig. 3 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Menstrual blood-derived stromal cells: insights into their secretome in acute hypoxia conditions

Fig. 3

MenSCs Gene analysis. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) plots (normoxia in blue and acute hypoxia in red). Score plots for PC1 and PC2 explain 41.3% and 24% of the total variance, respectively. B Hierarchical Clustering of the cell lines (MenSC01, MenSC02, MenSC03, MenSC04, and MenSC05) and the different conditions (normoxia in blue and acute hypoxia in red). C Volcano plot of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified between normoxia and acute hypoxia conditions. The red dots denote up-regulated gene expression, and the green dots denote down-regulated gene expression. D Quantitative enrichment analysis with the expression of all genes studied (enriched in red, depleted in green). E Cytoscape-designed interaction network including DEGs and GO categories of interest (up-regulated genes in red and down-regulated genes in green, categories are represented with a black square)

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