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Fig. 8 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 8

From: BAP1 mutations inhibit the NF-κB signaling pathway to induce an immunosuppressive microenvironment in uveal melanoma

Fig. 8

In vitro rescue experiments for verification of the effects of the BAP1 mutations on the tumor immune microenvironment in UM by regulating the NF-κB signaling pathway. A, Western blot detection of the expression difference of NF-κB between the UM cells with WT BAP1 and those with MUT BAP1. B, ELISA detection of the expression difference of immune regulators between the UM cells with WT BAP1 and those with MUT BAP1 after NF-κB overexpression. C, RT-qPCR detection of the expression difference of immune regulators between the UM cells with WT BAP1 and those with MUT BAP1 after NF-κB overexpression. D, Flow cytometry for the expression difference of MHCII between the UM cells with WT BAP1 and those with MUT BAP1 after NF-κB overexpression. E, The mRNA expression of the MHCII alleles HLA-DRA and HLA-DRB on the surface of macrophages as detected by RT-qPCR after NF-κB overexpression. WT, wild type; mutated BAP1, mutant type BAP1; WT + oe-NF-κB, UM cells with WT BAP1 and NF-κB overexpression; MUT + oe-NF-κB, UM cells with MUT BAP1 and NF-κB overexpression. * p < 0.05

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