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Fig. 4 | Molecular Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Serotonin as a biomarker of toxin-induced Parkinsonism

Fig. 4

A Left: Representative color plot depicting serotonin oxidation before L-DOPA administration in an MPTP-administered mouse (hippocampus). Horizontal line (white) shows the shift in the center of the serotonin oxidation. Right: Representative color plot depicting serotonin oxidation 60 min after L-DOPA (50 mg kg−1, i.p) administration. B Dopamine detection in the striatum with the serotonin waveform after Escit and GBR 12909. C Representative CVs from dopamine color plots in B. D Normalized, averaged (n = 15 repetitions) importance of the features in the FSCV color plot. E Representative voltammograms from A show a shift in oxidation potential, 60 min after L-DOPA administration. F Average ± SEM predicted ratios over time after injection of saline over control mice (red trace, n = 3), or L-DOPA (50 mg kg−1) for control mice (blue trace, n = 5) and MPTP-treated mice (purple trace, n = 5)

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