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Figure 6 | Molecular Medicine

Figure 6

From: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells in a Lymph Node Microenvironment Depict Molecular Signature Associated with an Aggressive Disease

Figure 6

A hypothetical model of molecular determinants of CLL cell survival, proliferation and migration in the PB, BM and LN microenvironments. Peripheral blood: CLL cells use different NF-κB- and MAPK-associated genes for survival and proliferation. PB-CLL cells express chemokine receptors, which stimulate PB-CLL migration to the LN or BM. Lymph nodes: CLL cells attract stromal cells to form a suitable microenvironment. Here, CLL cells undergo chronic activation via the BCR, BAFF/APRIL, NF-κB, MAPK and PI3K/Akt pathways, which leads to survival and proliferation. In addition, because of expression of a tolerogenic signature in LN-CLL, the immune cells are tolerogenic and unable to identify or kill CLL cells in LNs; Bone marrow: CLL cells attract stromal cells to form a suitable microenvironment. Here, CLL cells use different NF-κB and MAPK pathway genes for survival and proliferation.

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