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Figure 3 | Molecular Medicine

Figure 3

From: Cadherin 13: Human cis-Regulation and Selectively Altered Addiction Phenotypes and Cerebral Cortical Dopamine in Knockout Mice

Figure 3

Altered dopamine levels (A–D) and dopamine fiber densities (E–G) in cortices of constitutive CDH13 knockout mice. Regional concentrations of monoamines and metabolites in dopamine-associated brain regions. (A–C) Mean ± SEM of the concentrations of monoamines and metabolites in cerebral cortex (A), striatum (B) and ventral midbrain (C) samples dissected from brains of wild-type (black bars) and CDH13 knockout (open bars) mice. (D) Ratios between dopamine metabolites and dopamine in: CX, cerebral cortex; HC, hippocampus; ST, striatum; MB, ventral midbrain. N = 10/genotype. *p < 0.05. (E) Densities of dopamine transporter immumoreactive dopamine fibers in 50 µm sections through prefrontal cortex from constitutive CDH13 knockouts and wild-type littermates. *p < 0.05. (F–G) Images of dopamine transporter immunoreactive elements > 2 SD above mean pixel density for each section from infralimbic/prefrontal cortical sections from wild-type (F) and CDH13 knockout (G) mice. Midline is at the left in both images.

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