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Figure 3 | Molecular Medicine

Figure 3

From: Clearance of Cell Remnants and Regeneration of Injured Muscle Depend on Soluble Pattern Recognition Receptor PTX3

Figure 3

PTX3 plays a nonredundant role in the inflammatory response and regeneration from sterile muscle injury. Quadriceps muscles were retrieved from (B–L) PTX3−/− mice at (A, B) 7, (D, E) 10, (G, H) 15, and (K, L) 30 d after CTX injury. Muscle sections were stained by H&E. The number of centronucleated fibers was counted at (C) 7, (F) 10, (I) 15 and (J) 30 d after injury and expressed as number/FOV. n ≥ 9 (two-three mice/time point for both WT and PTX3−/− mice). Three independent experimental cohorts were studied. *, **: significantly different from WT mice, * = P < .05 or ** = P < .01 (Student t test). Graphs show mean values ± s.d. Scale bar = 20 µm.

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