30 July 2018
The Feinstein Institute Editorial Team and BMC Rejuvenate Molecular Medicine
Maria Ruggieri, Managing Editor
Margot Puerta, Executive Editor
Betty Diamond, Editor-in-Chief
The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
The biomedical journal Molecular Medicine is going through a rebirth, with a new publisher, an expanded focus and a commitment to ethical and fair publication practices.
The journal is now published in cooperation with BioMed Central, part of Springer Nature. This partnership should streamline the process for authors and expand the readership of the journal. While the transition has had a few glitches, we believe the process is now efficient and simple. Our goal is to provide an excellent experience to our authors and to encourage those who have never published in Molecular Medicine to submit their transformative science.
Our focus remains molecular medicine, but we believe that molecular medicine encompasses domains that have not always been considered within the purview of the journal. We are eager to publish clinical trials; these are the ultimate human experiments. We believe we not only obtain valuable information on new therapies from clinical trials, we also learn more about disease pathogenesis through well-designed trials. There is a field we call molecular epidemiology that runs the gamut from genome wide association studies to studies of the microbiome and disease risk or severity, to in utero experience and child health outcome. We welcome manuscripts in this field. We also welcome timely reviews, especially those that provide a novel perspective. We may solicit some reviews, but we will also publish unsolicited reviews. We are committed to studies that affect individual and population health and identify a molecular basis for wellness or disease.
Finally, a journal is the perfect venue to advocate for publication policies that benefit the field as a whole and reduce redundancy in the publication process, which has prohibitive costs in time and money. To this end, we affirm here some policies to which we adhere:
1) No previously published work will be reviewed.
2) Submission of a manuscript to Molecular Medicine cannot occur with simultaneous submission of the manuscript to another journal.
3) Authorship is earned, not awarded.
Our editorial polices may be reviewed in full on the journal’s website: https://www.biomedcentral.com/getpublished/editorial-policies.
Periodically as the journal adapts to changes in the research environment, you will hear from me. In the meantime, we hope to hear from you, to learn what we do well and where we must improve.